Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Drunken Debauchery

After a long day of working in the tech lab at Brainshare on Monday I was able to kick back and relax at the Messaging Architects Brewfest on Monday night. Every year at Brainshare, The Messaging Architects rents out the back room at Squatters Pub and Brewery and provide free beer and food for all in attendance. It's a great party. This is actually only the first year that I have attended Brewfest in Salt Lake City, although I did go to the Brewfest at Brainshare in Barcelona.

I think that I may have gotten a little over-zealous with the free beer this year. Before I even realized it, I had drunk way too much. My first clue was when I wasn't able to walk straight anymore. My second clue was when I started eating Macaroni and Cheese off of Kim's plate with a knife (that's more challenging than you might imagine). My third clue was when I was urinating in public behind a dumpster in downtown Salt Lake while talking on my cell phone to Holly. At least I was outside. I stopped counting after the third clue... but needless to say there were plenty of others.

Fortunately for me, Owen and Kim were along and they offerred to drive me back to Spanish Fork. That was probably a good idea considering that I couldn't walk straight. I'm smart enough that I wouldn't have tried to drive even if Owen and Kim weren't there, but I probably would have ended up sleeping in the parking garage that night instead at home in my comfy bed.


Chris said...

I only have one thing to say to you.... fuck offfffff :)

svoid said...

Rose, is that you? :)