Sunday, March 26, 2006

My New Car

Well, I did it, I bought a new car this weekend. It's a 2007 Toyota Camry LE. Yes, a 2007. It's so new that it's actually from the future. It won't even start to depreciate until next year.

I didn't really plan on buying a new car this weekend. I had originally planned on waiting a couple more weeks. But, I was out Cross Country skiing with Marci on Saturday morning and afterwards asked if she wanted to stop by the Toyota dealership to take a look at the car that I was thinking about buying.

As we were driving over to the dealer, Sheila, my salesperson, called me on my cell and told me that they just got in some new 2007 Camry LE's for me to look at. I test drove a 2007 Camry LE and then a 2007 SE (a souped up sportier model with a V6) and then a 2006 LE. I decided that the SE was more money than I wanted to spend and that there were enough things that I didn't like about the 2006 LE to make it not worth the killer deal that I could have gotten.

That left me with the 2007 LE which I really liked, was incredibly comfortable to drive, and was reasonably priced. But most of all it just felt like it fit me. The Passat was undoubtedly a fancier car but it just didn't feel like it fit me as well.

So, I informed Sheila that of the 3 Camry's that I had test driven I liked the 2007 LE best. She misunderstood me and thought that I said that I was ready to actually buy the 2007 LE. She told me to come on inside and that we would run some numbers. Just as I was about to correct her and let her know that I wasn't really prepared to buy that day, I thought to myself, "What the hell? Why not buy a new car today?". And so I did :)


B.G. Christensen said...

Congratulations. It looks nice. You'll have to bring it by in the near future so I can meet it in person.

TK said...

I'd like to say 'ditto' to what Master Fob said, but I guess I'll just settle for 'Congratulations!'

Anonymous said...


Only thing better would have been a wider angle picture of the car that included both bikes!!