Sunday, February 03, 2008

Surviving Arabesque

Well, after practicing incessantly all week, I survived my recital on Saturday afternoon. It wasn't my best performance of the piece, but at least I feel like I didn't totally embarass myself. There were three spots where I kind of "screwed up":
  • I had a dramatic pause in the beginning where I overshot a jump and had to recorrect my hand position.
  • My ending was really weak because I was afraid to try and execute the big jump at the end very fast while I was so nervous.
  • There was a spot in the middle where I started to play the wrong note and then backed up and corrected. But I did it without even pausing so might not recognize it as a mistake unless you are familiar with the piece and listening closely.
Without further ado, here is the recording (made possible by a generous gift of an awesome camcorder from Rosey's Mom... Thanks Mom!):


Go for It ! said...

Bravo, bravo !!!

Pretty complicated piece !

SenecaSis said...

I didn't notice any mistakes. I thought you did a FANTASTIC job!

And I loved the little bobbing head at the bottom of the video!

Tina said...

Wow! I am impressed. We just got a piano and so I have been trying to practice everyday- but maybe I should take lessons from you!!

And I liked the bobbing head too. :)

Angie said...

Sounds good. Great Job!