Thursday, September 29, 2005

Searching in Dark Places

I installed Google Desktop Search on my computer yesterday. It indexed my entire hard drive overnight and has turned up some pretty amusing relics from my past that were tucked away in some deep and dark places within my meticulously disorganized file hierarchy. This excerpt from a letter that I wrote in 1997 I thought was particularly amusing:

Other than that things have been pretty boring around here. I’ve been my usual self staying up all hours of the night pounding away on the keyboard figuring out how to program in Assembly Language, how to take over the World, and How to get laid. (either individually or all at the same time…it doesn’t matter much to me) I’m getting real close to programming in Assembly Language and World Domination.

Unfortunately little has changed since 1997. Although I am no longer trying to write assembly code of my own, I've spent much of the last week at work debugging through someone else's disassembled assembly code. Oh yeah, and I haven't had much luck with world domination or getting laid either :)

1 comment:

B.G. Christensen said...

Good luck on the world domination thing.