Monday, August 15, 2005

Day Five - Waterton Lakes

Sunday August 14th
Chris, Sean and I woke up on Sunday morning pretty sore and stiff from the previous days hike. Our original plan had been to do some hiking in the Many Glacier area of the park. The hike that we had picked out was an 8 mile hike with significant elevation gain. In our current state none of us really felt like exerting ourselves that much anymore. So, we shifted to Plan B (which was the original Plan A) and decided to cross the border into Canada to check out the Canadian side of the park.

After having breakfast in St. Mary, we ventured across the border to Canada. A boat took us from the Canadian side of Waterton Lake to the U.S. side of Waterton Lake at Goat Haunt. It was kind of interesting to have to go back through U.S. Customs (a park ranger doubling as a customs agent) before going hiking at Goat Haunt. We chose a 5.6 mile round trip hike back to Kootenai Lake where we managed to see a bull and a cow moose.

It was nearly 10 o'clock by the time that we made it back to our campsite from Waterton Lake and we were all starving. By this time we had managed to nail down our cooking routine and were operating like a well oiled machine. Neither the fact that it was already dark or that we were attempting a fairly complex dinner by camping standards slowed us down. Chris lit the fire and cooked the bacon. Sean cooked some chicken breast on our gas grill. I chopped and sauteed some onions and bell peppers over the fire. When we were all done we mixed everything together to make the best damn bacon, chicken fajitas that any of us had ever had in our lives. We warmed the tortillas up right over the open fire. It was awesome.

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