Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pregnancy Appointment #2: It Lives!

Rosey and I had our second pregnancy appointment today. The highlight of the appointment was that we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. Wow, how cool is that? He/She must have been excited too because his/her little heart was beating really fast. I guess that's normal though.

Less exciting but equally notable was that Rosey discovered that there may be some relief for the problems that she's been having. First the nurse told her that it was perfectly OK for her to be taking her Claritin. Second, they gave her a Vitamin B shot which they claimed would help with her nausea and lack of energy. And third, if the Vitamins didn't help the nausea then they gave her a prescription for something that should. She was ecstatic to discover all of this but at the same time upset that she's been sufferring for so long... why didn't the previous doctor mention any of these things???


Go for It ! said...

I am sooo glad relief may be on the way !

Go for It ! said...
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Shan said...

The first trimester is always really hard between the morning sickness and being tired. The second trimester is usually much easier. Hope Rosie feels better.

Lisa said...

So exciting! Brings back wonderful memories. I love little baby already!