Step 2: Forget to remove iPod from said pocket when taking shorts off.
Step 3: Wash cargo shorts in washing machine using favorite detergent and water temperature.
Step 4: Transfer cargo shorts (and iPod) into the dryer and let bounce around for about an hour until thoroughly dry.
Step 5: Remove iPod from cargo shorts.
You should now have a very, very clean iPod.
Note: iPod may cease to work properly after trip through washer. But, hey, at least it's clean :)
Step 6: Attempt repeatedly for at least a week to power on and/or reboot your iPod.
Step 7: Finally break down and totally disassemble your iPod using a knife (my implement of choice) or other sharp object.
Note: At this point you should no longer hold any hope that you can get it working again... you just want to see what it looks like inside.
Ouch. You could buy a round-trip ticket to Seattle for the cost of an iPod. I guess you'll have to decide whether you love your music or your brother more. :)
Holy guilt trip batman! :) Or since the iphone comes out this month, you could upgrade to the newest model ;) Seems like you are taking it okay. I would be crying like a baby about now.
Oooh...not good. But I agree, you are taking it well.
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