Monday, December 04, 2006

Are My Clothes Shrinking?

Oh how I wish my clothes really were shrinking. But I'm afraid that's probably not what's happening.

Over the summer, I maintained a weight of about 215 lbs. That was down 110 lbs. from where I started a year earlier at 325 lbs. Sometime during early Fall, I noticed that my weight had gone up to the low 220's. I was concerned at first, but then decided that since my clothes still seemed to fit just fine that I was OK with picking up a little bit of winter weight... as long as it didn't get out of control.

Within the last week or two I've begun to feel the pinch of my pants growing tighter around my waist. The freaky thing is that my weight hasn't gone up any since the early Fall. My average weight is still 222. I can't figure out what's happening. What changed? I'm starting to fear that I've lost some lean weight and have replaced it with more voluminous fat weight. That's the only explanation that I can think of that would explain why I have gotten bigger but not put on any weight.

In any case, it's time to step up my effort again. I was OK with putting on a little winter weight, but not if it means buying new clothes.

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

This is a hard one, and one I face every day also. Your successful effort and determination will keep you on track. But no one knows how hard it is !