Saturday, June 10, 2006

Cleaning Out My Closet

As I was cleaning out my closet to make room for Rosey, I decided that today would be a good day to get rid of all the clothes that no longer fit me. It turns out that this was pretty much all of the clothes in my closet :) I took a picture of everything stacked on my bed before delivering it to DI. I must have had 2 dozen pair of jeans and slacks, a dozen pair of shorts, countless shirts, several winter coats and some snow pants and bibs.

By the time that I was done, all that was left was two pair of jeans, two pair of cargo shorts, some board shorts and half a dozen t-shirts. Hmm, I think I need to go shopping :) At least there is plenty of room in the closet for Rosey now :)

1 comment:

Crash said...

Well - I saw that there were not posts to this particular blog and I thought you maybe would get a complex complex... or something (fowk English sucks) Anywho - congrats, good luck, I hope she's a good cook... wait, you are a good cook already ... hmmm... hope she's good at dishes ??? :-)