Friday, April 14, 2006

Man In Tights

I never would have imagined that I would do this, but I actually bought and wore (out in public no less) a pair of spandex biker shorts. They come with a nifty padded butt and crotch and that makes me feel a little like I'm wearing a maxi pad. But it does help quite a bit to keep my butt a little more comfy. What do you think, is it a sexy look for me?

While at the bike store I also picked up some clip-in pedals and shoes. It's hard to tell yet how much difference they make because it was really windy out today as I was riding. The wind was so strong that it was hard to tell whether or not I was riding more powerfully.

For some reason I was really afraid of forgetting to clip-out when I came to a stop and falling over sideways. But they really are pretty natural to use. The only difficulty that I've had is getting clipped in fast enough from a complete stop when I need to quickly cross a busy street. I'm getting better though. Another couple of days and I'll probably forget what it was like to ride without them.


B.G. Christensen said...

Um. No comment.

Chris said...

Did you just grab my ass? I remember the first time I fell over, it wasn't while I was getting used to them, instead it was while doing the MS Ride in front of 30 or so people :)