Friday, December 09, 2005

I'm going to Hawaii

I just got off the phone with Dad, and he decided after reading my blog that he wanted to fund my trip to Hawaii over Christmas as my Christmas present. Thanks Dad! To the family that I will be visiting in Hawaii, I hope this last minute plan is not an inconvenience to you. I am more than happy to stay in a Hotel if you aren't able to put me up for a couple of days. I will arrive in Hawaii on Christmas Eve, leave on January 4th and then be back in Utah on the 5th. What a crazy life! Thanks again, Dad.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome!!!!! Grab a little sunshine and salt water for us.

FoxyJ said...

One of these years we need to plan things so that we are all in Hawaii at the same time. I'm jealous that you get to escape the freezing cold weather around here.

B.G. Christensen said...

Have fun.

Anonymous said...

I hope you were kidding about the hotel thing!!! Unless your talking about the 'guest room' at my house! I let Tina know - we're all so excited!