Sunday, February 27, 2005

sony-svoid bites the dust

By the looks of this picture, I would say that sony-svoid actually choked on the dust. I really need to get some better ventilation. Of course it wouldn't hurt to crack open the case and blow out the dust every couple of years.

With the recent trouble that I had with sony-svoid getting hacked, I decided it was time for her to retire. She was running such an old version of Mandrake that I didn't believe that I was going to be able to get security updates and I didn't think that a pentium 133 could handle any of the modern bleeding edge linux distributions.

So, I've moved my webserver over to my other linux box... an Athlon 800 Mhz. It's still no speed demon, but then again for the 3 visitors that my sight gets a day, I think that it will be able to keep up with the load. I pulled the NIC from sony-svoid so that I can have an interface on both the internal and external network.

I had to update the OS as well as I was previously running Novell Linux Desktop (NLD) and it was not configured to be a web server. So, I grabbed the latest ISO's of SuSE Linux 9.3 Professional Beta1 and built me a new webserver. I wasn't kidding about bleeding edge :) I don't even know if the Beta is public yet but I work for Novell and have access to the ISO's on an internal FTP server. Cool!

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