Saturday, January 22, 2005

Bottomless Friends

It just occurred to me what I really appreciated about my friends Chris and Shannon. They were bottomless friends. They were always up for doing something fun. It didn't matter if we had just done something the night before. It didn't matter if we had done something together every night for the last week.

Nowadays, I still have some good friends, but they are the kind where I have to pay for refills. Of course, not literally. But it feels like I wear out my welcome a lot quicker with my new friends. They are all married, or engaged; some of them have kids. They only have so much time that they are willing to spend with a bum like me.

1 comment:

Chris said...

One thing that has always amazed me was how good of friends you make in college, however as time goes on you end up going your own ways. The coolest thing though is the friends you keep even with the distance seperating you. On the downside I have now found that new "friends" dont quite compare and no matter how hard you try you just cant compare them. So do bottomless friends only come along every great once and while? Maybe that is the case... In which case, we shouldn't gage other friends on the same level, but hope to find a way to keep them close :)